Way to 189: Points about Education 澳洲学历加分详细调查

根据 Tommy 本身想要通过海外交换或短期项目完成学历的背景对澳洲独立技术移民打分系统中有关相关学历的详细条例分析。

一直以来都有在澳洲以外完成学历的想法,本来的倾向是 Exchange 因为在缴纳澳洲学费的基础上可以去更贵的地方进行学习(如果有的话)还可以累积在宿主国家的生活经验、信用记录等。但后来开始担忧长期的交换经历(一个学期以上)可能会影响到自己后续申请独立技术移民时的分数累计,所以在这里将会根据 Home Affairs (内政部) 即原移民局官方提供的相关资料和互联网中检索到的其他有关咨询进行整理和分析、

昨晚了解到连美国的学费都比澳洲低,并且一直在担忧的是如果出国交换澳洲本地的住所需如何处理,发现通过 短期项目 (short term program)累积学分颇为一个很好的选择,在每年冬天及夏天两个假期期间,去海外相关教育机构以相对低廉的学费获取学分完成学历,还可以去不同的国家生活一阵子(比旅游签证更久的学生签证)真是一个很棒的选择,回到澳洲之后每个学期修读的科目减少也会带来更多的空闲时间专注于其他技能的培养。

所以最担忧的事莫过于在海外读书影响到 技术移民时的 澳洲读书加分 提名职业相关学历加分 和职业评估,从现在开始逐个分析一下。

Australian Study


The course or courses you have undertaken at an Australian educational institution must:

  • be registered through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Course for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
  • have been completed in a total of at least 16 calendar months
  • have been completed as a result of at least two academic years of study
  • have been conducted only in English
  • have been undertaken while you were physically in Australia
  • have been undertaken while you held a visa that allowed you to study.


在澳洲我已经从 2017年10月完成了八个月的学习,所以我是可以在 2019年7月出国交换一个学期于2020年2月回澳读完所有的科目来满足两年学习的要求,如果是入读短期项目的话则无须担心。


这个似乎就不用担心了,我只要毕业之后取得学位交给职业评估机构就好了。毕竟我不管怎么交换拿到的都是澳洲的学历。然后就可以顺利拿到这15分 lol.

You will receive points for your highest qualification only. To claim these points, you must have completed and already received the qualification.

The authority undertaking your skills assessment will determine if your qualifications are comparable to the relevant Australian qualification. Assessing authorities are listed against your occupation in the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.

For an opinion about your qualifications, contact Vocational Education Training and Assessment Services.

所以重点就是担心是否可以通过职业评估(skills assessment)了。

Skills Assessment

职业评估真是一个难搞的事,IT 毕业的学生必须有一年的相关工作经验或者是 PY 职业年的学习(又要多花钱),现在让我去 ACS (澳洲电脑协会) 的官方网站研究一下细则要求。

A Bachelor degree must have:

• 33% ICT content for a 3 year course

• 25% ICT content for a 4 year course

• 20% ICT content for a 5 year course

The ICT content must progress through all years of the program with the final year being at an advanced level.

好咯 我把 core courses 学完就好咯,出国不影响,接着写程序去了 lol TGIF



Fri Aug 3 2018 Perth

