Links for a Fulfilling Perth Life 实用珀斯生活链接

As I mentioned in (The article may not be released yet), the “new life” will be managed in an event orientation way for a fulfilling life with a good life-work balance. Therefore the way to discover what’s going on around the city is especially important. By using these links, you can plan things in advance with various kinds of events to make your off-work time colourful and meaningful.

正如我在 Besttz 中所说的(新文章可能尚未发布),为了达到充实而又平衡的生活,工作以来新的生活安排应该以活动为主。无论是旅行,公演,文艺活动,社区交流或是团体性的社交活动,都可以令自己在工作外的时间内充分放松并享受于其中。下面是一些最近我用来提前规划生活,查询附近最新消息的网站。

City of Perth 珀斯市议会 City of Perth Council Website 市议会官方网站 Visitor Website of City of Perth 珀斯观光官方网站

As the central city council of the capital city of Western Australia – Perth, the City of Perth council provides all the useful information about visiting and living in the Perth Metropolitan Area. On this website, you can get all the latest news and what’s going on in town. Click this link to explore all the events which including most of the public events held by the city council, state library, city library, museum, gallery, theatres and Perth Cultural Centre, and the private events.

作为西澳洲首府珀斯都会区中心的 City of Perth 珀斯市议会,其官方网站以及附属旅行资讯站点提供了 Perth CBD 以及周边区域的观光信息和活动列表。包含绝大多数由市议会,图书馆,博物馆,画廊以及各大剧院提供的公立活动和部分商业性私立活动,通常可以在此一站式了解到附近所有大型活动。具体的活动列表可以在此链接查看

Tourism Western Australia 西澳洲旅游局

The official website of Tourism Western Australia is operated by the state government of Western Australia, it provides all the information about travelling in WA, with a list of attractions and events happening, with useful resources and downloadable PDF versions. Check the events in regional WA while making a plan for your next regional trip.

西澳洲旅游局官方网站上提供了十分详细的西澳洲旅行指南,包含全州各区的旅行景点和详细攻略,更有路线规划和可下载格式的 PDF 旅行手册。该站点亦提供各区域正在发生的新鲜活动,一定要提前参考并好好计划下一次的公路旅行。


We are the original guide to what’s on and things to do in Perth & Western Australia. Bringing you the latest in lifestyle, arts, events, culture and travel.

About Scoop

As the introduction said, Scoop is a commercial website about events and attractions in the city and the state. It provides high quality information about the museums, galleries, food, wineries, film and festivals. More private events including university holding events can be found here. A good supplement if you got more time and can’t get satisfied by the governmental websites.

提供高质量旅行和活动资讯的商业性网站,同政府提供的站点相比这里有更多的私立活动,比如演唱会,Live House 或大学提供的艺术演出,或美食美酒以及音乐节等大型活动。


Perth Theatre Trust 珀斯剧院基金会

The official websites of the public theatre in Western Australia. You can find all the coming performances in multiple venues, including the State Theatre Centre, His Majesty’s Theatre, Perth Cultural Centre and more places. It also shows the performances which are audio described, Auslan interpreted or captioned for disabled group.


Perth Concert Hall 珀斯音乐厅

The offical websites of the Perth Concert Hall, you can visit and book coming events.



You can also browse all the events by simply search “shows” or “events” in google, more private events will be found here.


Facebook Event

Everyone has his/her own Facebook account, so do local restaurants and bars. They usually publish their events in the Facebook page, the events will show on Facebook Event automatically. You can also see the event your friends are interested or going.

每个人都拥有的 Facebook 账户,本地商家也会将最新的活动发布在 Facebook 专页上,Facebook 会收集这些信息,显示在活动列表中;你还可以在上面发现好友感兴趣或是将要参加的活动。


A online event registering and booking site, you can find interesting events happening around.



Another website for listing the events around the country, you can find all the popular events happening.

另一个阅览全国热门活动的网站,虽然可能会导向 Eventbrite 订票。


A website more about live music, festival and art events.


City of Belmont 市议会

As the local government of City of Belmont with the close suburbs of the CBD, this city council also offers a lot of great art events, fitness and other community activities. Some of the suburbs are in the riverside, you can enjoy the events with a great view.

CBD 临近的 City of Belmont 经常也有提供很多艺术类,运动和其他社区活动,很多活动在 Swan River 旁,十分值得参与。

Town of Victoria Park 本地议会


UWA Music Events

ECU WAAPA Performance

To be continued… 未完待续

Last Edited on 5 Jun 2021, Tommy

Tommy 最后编辑于 2021年6月5日 午前

2 thoughts on “Links for a Fulfilling Perth Life 实用珀斯生活链接

  1. Well, can’t believe that I spent one hour recording the websites I’m using to organise my life. Was planning to write it as a simple list, but make it more accessible by putting more details with it. The Anglicise websites are also being processed this year, therefore the future articles in Personal Site and Technology Blog) and Blog) will be bilingual. Thanks for reading anyway, it’s been few months or one year since the last “useful” article are written here. It actually feels good, isn’t it? And the things on website still help me a lot haha, it’s used to serve myself and others.
    本来只是打算做一个列表方便自己以后使用的,后来想想就放一些简介等说不定还会有人在 Google 上查到。网站的鼎盛时期每天都有不少人看写的“实用性”内容的。一直以来都有在想把主要的个人站点英文化,并将 改造为技术博客的想法,但总是又忙又累的没有时间。其实事情都可以一点一滴做起来啦,就像这个文章一样,之后所有的新发布内容都可以以双语的形式展现。网站上的内容大多数还是以服务我自己为主,比如旅行清单等周六出门前还有在用的,但如果能帮到别人我也算是为社区做出了贡献,刚刚还看到 WordPress 说 “谢谢你让互联网变得更美好!”
    Yeap, Thanks for making the internet a better place!

